From the Archive: Brian Burke (CAROUSEL 15)

Staff/ July 16, 2020/ Poem



iguanas hide in the drain pipes
of a twenty-foot wall
outside our studio door
feed on the hibiscus
camouflaged from gamekeepers
intent on banishing them
to the lush green golf course
beside the ocean

the iguana journey back
hang on overhead palm branches
bury themselves in small rock crevices
dig out shaded caves near the shore
& finally stretch their necks out
of the drain-piped wall of rock
but dreaming also of rain
of gamekeepers
& of dinosaurs that escaped extinction

Brian Burke is a graduate of the writing programs at York University and the University of British Columbia (MFA), and has taught English Literature and Creative Writing at various universities and colleges. Recent publications include River Oak Review, The Nashwaak Review and Red Rock Review. He lives in Vancouver, BC.

appeared in CAROUSEL 15 (2004) — buy it here

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