CAROUSEL 31 Release Party Apr 04!
In association with National Poetry Month and in collaboration with the Livewords reading series, please join us for the Toronto advance launch of CAROUSEL 31 —a free event taking place on Thu Apr 04, 2013 beginning at 7:30pm at Black Swan Tavern (154 Danforth Ave, 2nd floor)
Featured Readers: Colin Brush, Louise Carson, Sonia Di Placido, Nico Mara-McKay, David Reibetanz, Mary Rykov, Lizzy Violet, Liz Worth, Catriona Wright
SPECIAL EVENT OFFER — support our fine journal by picking up the latest issue: for only $10, take #31 home and we’ll also mail you #32 when it comes out at end of year … or go bigger and subscribe to the next 4 issues for only $20!
: : : : Let us know you’ll be attending — FACEBOOK EVENT: here
: : : : Purchase an advance copy of CAROUSEL 31: here