FIONA SMYTH – The Parkdale Gyre

Fiona Smyth @ INDEXg
Fiona Smyth: The Parkdale Gyre
Oct 14 – Nov 22, 2009
@ INDEXg (50 Gladstone Ave, Toronto)
Toronto artist Fiona Smyth (who will be featured in our upcoming CAROUSEL #25 — Spring-Summer 2010 issue) has a new exhibit at INDEXg in Toronto. The catastrophic themes explored in her work, featuring a range of new drawings and paintings on black grounds, are inspired by recent news reports about The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Smyth takes this oceanic system turned island dumpster and creates a supernatural art show that reflects humanity’s collective greed.
Gallery Hours//
Wed–Sat (1–6pm) / Sun + Tue (by appointment) / Monday (closed)
ph: 416.535.6957
>>> For more information about Fiona Smyth, visit her website