CAROUSEL — New Patient Evaluation Referring Provider: NeWest Press Patient Name: I (Athena)Parent/Guardian: Ruth DyckFehderauDate of Birth: April 2023Weight (in pages): 352Height (in ISBN-13): 978-1-77439-068-2 Attending Physician: Emily Woodworth ASSESSMENT I (Athena) presents with symptoms of acute excellence. Patient is well-composed, making perfect use of voice, found-form composition and sentence-level beauty, with just enough suspense to exceed standard expectations of momentum for a patient of 352 pages. Examination of subcutaneous layers reveals use of unreliable
Matthew TétreaultHold Your Tongue (NeWest Press, 2023)ISBN 978-1-77439-071-9 | 270 pp | $22.95 CAD/ $17.95 USD | BUY Here #CAROUSELreviews#USEREVIEWEDNESDAY Matthew Tétreault’s Hold Your Tongue is a transporting novel. Deftly woven threads span decades within a single family, inviting readers to confront themes of generational trauma, language and culture. Told from the perspective of Richard — a young man caught between rural life in southeastern Manitoba and the prospect of opportunity in Winnipeg — Tétreault
Introducing our September 2023 Reviewer-in-Residence: Emily Woodworth is a writer, filmmaker and proud descendant of the Karuk Tribe. She grew up in rural Oregon, where she developed a love for nature and the psychological pathologies that permeate small towns. Her work has appeared in EcoTheo Review, Los Suelos, Joyland, No Contact and more. Emily graduated with her MFA from CalArts, and has held fellowships from Oregon Literary Arts and the Virginia G. Piper Center for
In this thrilling and chilling experimental review, Emily Woodworth takes us on a knowing tour of the local lore, flora and fauna of Nathan Niigan Noodin Adler‘s Ghost Lake (Kegedonce Press, 2020). ISBN 978-1-92812-024-7 | 307 pp | $19.95 CAD — BUY Here #CAROUSELreviews#USEREVIEWEDNESDAY A Ghost Lake Guide to Survival by Ghost Lake Citizens for Tourism So, you want to visit Ghost Lake. You’ve made an excellent choice! An exhilarating, backcountry paradise awaits, complete with
Emily Woodworth’s exquisitely lyrical review of Rahela Nayebzadah’s debut novel, Monster Child (Wolsak & Wynn, 2021), is as urgent and visceral as if it were written in red ink. ISBN 978-1-989496-30-5 | 200 pp | $20 CAD — BUY Here #CAROUSELreviews#USEREVIEWEDNESDAY Blood flows through Monster Child by Rahela Nayebzadah until it animates, breathes, becomes a body in your hands. Then three bodies. Then six. A disease festers in the pages. Bloodguilt spatters the lives of
The winter 2020 issue of CAROUSEL is available to read for free at our website now! Fall 2020; released exclusively online Cover artwork by Chet Bell Design by Origin Obscure Art Portolio — Chet Bell Fiction — Anne Baldo— Timothy DeLizza— Síle Englert— Jennifer McAuley Poetry — Renee Agatep— Anne Barngrover— Despy Boutris— Amee Nassrene Broumand— Conyer Clayton— James Collier— Mikayla Fawcett— Layla Flowers— Sean Madden— Caroline Misner— Kevin Stebner— Sneha Subramanian Kanta— John Sibley
As readers and writers, we are often in a continual process of losing and finding the words we seek. In this experimental review, Emily Woodworth brings this metaphor to life by incisively reenvisioning Lidia Yuknavitch’s lyrical memoir The Chronology of Water (Hawthorne Books, 2011) as a series of classified ads, where the most deeply personal words are publicly sought and sold, lost and found. ISBN 978-0-9790188-3-1 | 310 pp | $18.95 USD #CAROUSELreviews