Drop by RM #204 of the Gladstone Hotel (1214 Queen St. W) on Sat Sep 29 and behold the vibrant and bustling “12 HR Zine Machine” presented by The Madeleine Collective, Madeleine Collective: www.madeleinecollective.comas ten featured Toronto artist groups are challenged to create a handmade zine art book every hour, all night long! Note that the CAROUSEL zine team — made up of artists Larry Eisenstein, Mark Laliberte, Aaron Linton and Drazen Kozjan — will take
CAROUSEL magazine will be present at The Word on the Street Toronto Festival (Queen’s Park) this Sunday September 23 from 11am-6pm — we’d love it if you stopped by! We’ll be located at booth MM6 (in the Magazine Mews section, east side of the park) What will be offering? – select back issues (for the amazing price of $5 each) will allow you to delve into the past! – extremely discounted subscription packages will point you