APRIL 2015 at http://4panel.ca 4 new 4PANEL strips appeared in the past month by Jessica Fortner Illustration, Ethan Rilly, Christopher Green and Anuj Shrestha … have you checked out these new works yet? Also, we’d like to remind you that 4PANEL appears as a full-colour section in the pages of each new issue of CAROUSEL. : : : : Buy the latest issue of CAROUSEL now
Always a great time in Guelph, ON — the KAZOOFEST people put on an excellent fair, and the whole city is alive with music and art! Here’s a peek at a few moments from the day. Great attendance at the Print Expo, an eager audience Artist Justin Gordon did an really cool window display at Disarrays (he’ll likely be appearing in CAROUSEL 36, due out around Christmas, BTW)
CAROUSEL will be at the KAZOO Print Expo in Guelph this Saturday! We’ll be debuting a series of amazing $20 curated gift packs (each contains 4 issues, a great deal), and we’ll have some copies of a rare Michael DeForge silkscreen we did waaaaay back, get it for only $25. See you there. https://www.facebook.com/events/1593732504193776/