From the Archive: bill bissett (CAROUSEL 18)
ther was a strangr
cum 2 town that long
purpul nite all th
kiyots gone 2 sleep
evreewun was krashd
yu cudint see a thing
th fog was sew cum in
th smothring blankit
th knarlee perls in
th sky promising what
yu cud nevr get heer
sum say ther was a
barn door creek in
th aweful moon lite sum
herd a roostr crow way
b4 dawn ther was a
strangr cum 2 town
sumwun was missing
from theyr bed n nevr
came back ther wasint
it me did sumwun cum
4 me that long purpul
nite did my life evr
change th ground was hard
our horses swet a lot n
th sage lit up th road

ther was a strangr
appeared in CAROUSEL 18 (2005) — buy it here