From the Archive: Michael Aird (CAROUSEL 19)

Staff/ August 14, 2020/ Poem


For Seamus

stem entrance
meshed to the cold hollow
where your words vicared
a clock heat
awhile, saturated forward

like I
tinkered victim mechanics
the resemblance of kept records
bricks through glass pane
imprints soft tissue

so much knotted truth
hoisted as black flags
above the antechamber, antiravel
our impulse bundle exhaled
without bloodshed

silence hardens over unlooked for
the proof drive stood hinge to
our previous also
its graft welcome waits
to wave us in

Michael Aird lives and works in Vancouver, Canada. His writing has appeared in such journals as Lit, Lungfull!, Canadian Literature, Bombay Gin, Rhino, Phoebe, Dislocate, on-line by Word for/Word, Shampoo and Bomblog. He recently completed his first full-length manuscript, Something to Eat and Drink on Every Page.

For Seamus
appeared in CAROUSEL 19 (2006) — buy it here

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