Do you know the work of Luke Painter?
Luke Painter is a Toronto-based artist whose practice encompasses print, painting, installation and new media; his work was prominently featured in 2010 on the cover of CAROUSEL 27.
Painter’s latest creations — large-scale works on paper rendered with India ink and brush — are fictional landscapes that enlarge and re-contextualize the tropes of traditional wood engravings, to create surreal outdoor spaces. With the lack of human presence these vast man-made looking mountainscapes and vacated wood areas create an unsettling sense of eeriness and loneliness. The repetition, use of ornament and laborious aspect of mark-making within the works is important for referencing this traditional use of woodblock.
In his first solo exhibition at LE Gallery, Anterior, which runs until May 27, Painter continues to reinterpret and distort contemporary and historical ornamental art references. In titling the exhibition “anterior”, meaning both “before” and “frontal”, Painter alludes to the historical look of his drawings while simultaneously referencing the surface qualities of ornamentation.
>>> To purchase CAROUSEL 27: go here
>>> For more info on Luke Painter: go here