Anders Nilsen is a notable American graphic novelist whose works include Big Questions, Dogs and Water, Don’t Go Where I Can’t Follow, Rage of Poseidon, The End, and others. In Poetry is Useless, his latest book, Nilsen redefines the sketchbook format, intermingling elegant, densely detailed renderings of mythical animals, short comics drawn in ink, meditations on religion, and abstract shapes and patterns. This expansive ‘sketchbook-as-graphic-novel’ reveals seven years of Nilsen’s life and musings: it covers
CAROUSEL 36 is here — video preview the new issue now CAROUSEL is pleased to announce its latest 88 page issue — featuring art, fiction, poems, and hybrid works by Leesa Bringas, Vincent Colistro, Candace de Taeye, Laura Furster, Richard Kelly Kemick, Steve McCaffery, conormcdonnell and Antranick Tchalekian, along with the following feature articles: Mark Laliberte profiles the work of experimental poet gustave morin, interviewing the author about his latest New Star Books release